NPHS – NASA TAIGA Aviation & Safety Project

NASA Aviation Safety Prroject (TAIGA) Click to View Student Activities Page

This new program will build an infrastructure for aviation and aerospace educational projects in Alaska, leading to high-level skill sets and career-oriented projects. Real-time projects will be developed comprised of Alaskan student teams, which will identify and solve real-world tasks by partnering with aviation and aerospace organizations.

TAIGA (Traffic and Atmospheric Information for General Aviation) – a joint project between NASA Ames Research Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska Climate Center and multiple school districts throughout the state of Alaska to improve aviation safety: The North Pole High School NASA team is the first to implement this project, working specifically on the testing and quality assurance testing of the NASA World Wind beta on mobile platforms. Click to View Student Activities Page


NASA World Wind Geospatial 3D Platform


iPad iOS World Wind Beta                                                                                                                             Redbird TD2 Flight Simulator

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