Kodiak GEFS Baseline Test, March 7, 2015

The Kodiak GEFS Baseline Test was conducted from approximately 9:40 – 10:58 a.m. Every major electronic device from the campus, including the new High School, Middle School and Auditorium (location of the GEFS station) was powered off, then on, for a total of 24 stations. Kodiak GEFS Intelecell data for comparison was downloaded with time range from 9:30-11:00 a.m. The InteleCell download showed only 1 sample per minute. These tests were conducted by Kodiak World Bridge students John Dunlop, Levi Purdy and Anna McDonald, with Facilities director Gregg Hacker. The students conducted the test as Mr. Hacker powered off/on the equipment, then downloaded the InteleCell data for comparison. The baseline test data and obervations:


InteleCell Data Download for comparison (csv)

Baseline Test Time and Location Description (xlsx)

Event Data Spreadsheets (time/handheld magnetometer readings for each component tested at 24 locations) (zip)

Event Chart: Magnetometer X,Y,Z axis, with Events showing as vertical lines. Y Graph axis = nT

Kodiak GEFS Magnetometer X axis


Kodiak GEFS Magnetometer Y axis


Kodiak GEFS Magnetometer Z axis


Observations:  There is no apparent correlation between GEFS recording, and power on/off of Kodiak EM components; however, there is an obvious repeating signal. The only component not powered off/on was the network server farm, which may be the cause of this repeating signal. Another possibility might be the InteleCell itself, since the magnetometer is installed directly above the InteleCell on the staff.

Handheld magnetometer readings from near the InteleCell: A smartphone running 3-axis magnetometer readings at 50hz was placed within 20 ft. of the InteleCell/magnetometer. The device was aligned true north, and adjusted for magnetic declination (see below). The following data chart also appears to indicate no significant correlation with power off/on data. The change in recording frequency at approximately 10:25 a.m. was due to unanticipated on/off sleep mode from the device (the device was not monitored during the test).

Handheld Magnetometer Near InteleCell

Total nT

Photos courtesy Anna McDonald

Roof Mag setupKodiak GEFS Installation

Handheld magnetometer placement (20 ft) from InteleCell          Kodiak GEFS Intallation on High School Auditorium roof

Taking Measurements1Gregg Levi John1

Taking measurements

Air compressor1AHUnits1

Air compressor                                                                          Air handling units

CD80 Stage Lighting Dimmer Control1Heating Units1

CD80 Stage Lighting dimmer control                                                                     Heating units

High Voltage Switches 2aHigh power unit1

High voltage units

OutsideAir1Pace HVAC1

Outside air unit                                                               Pace HVAC

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